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Elias-Clarke Publications HQ

The McGraw-Hill building on Sixth Avenue was used for the exteriors and lobby of Elias-Clarke's headquarters. The Runway offices are partially corridors in the neighboring Fox building and partially sets.

Elias-Clarke Publications HQ
Elias-Clarke Publications HQ
Elias-Clarke Publications HQ
Elias-Clarke Publications HQ
Elias-Clarke Publications HQ
Elias-Clarke Publications HQ
Elias-Clarke Publications HQ
Elias-Clarke Publications HQ
Runway - Miranda's Office
Runway - Assistant's Outer Office
Runway Closet
Runway Office Sketch

Built in 1969, the building is one of several that were part of the Rockefeller Center complex expansion in the 1960s.

It is 674 feet (205 m) high and 51 stories. >>>Read more

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